​Blue Moon Lamb
Looking to start a flock or expand your flock we have a very nice selection of White Dorpers and Black & White Dorpers. Please contact us with any of your needs.

Bred Ewes
Start your sheep farm with a ewe that's already bred. We currently have ewes that will lamb in December and July.

Ewe Lambs
We are currently taking orders for this years lambs. These will be ready to take home as early as mid March. We will have a selection of White Dorpers and "Black & White" Dorpers.

Wether Lambs
Have your own grass land but don't want the expense of taking a flock through the winter? If you're looking to take lambs through the summer we will have lambs ready to go in April.

Breeding Rams
If you're looking for new genetics in your flock we usually have proven rams available. We can also save a ram lamb from this years lambing season for you.