​Blue Moon Lamb
Our Story
Blue Moon Lamb is a family operated farm in eastern upstate New York that specializes in grass fed lamb. Our sheep are White Dorper and White Dorper/Jacob mix. These are a hair sheep that thrive on grass and have a very mild tasting meat. The Jacob genetics provide some of the White Dorper offspring with a black and white "Holstein cow" look. Jacobs are an old world sheep thought to have originated in Syria some three thousand years ago and will, like the White Dorpers, flourish on pasture alone in arid or cold climates.
Our goal is to provide a tender tasty cut of meat that has a mild flavor and is free from growth hormones and antibiotics. No grain is fed to our lambs which results in meat that is healthy for you, low in the bad cholesterol (LDL-C) and high in the good cholesterol (HDL-C).
On average, lamb is an excellent source of protein, vitamin B12, niacin, zinc, and selenium while still being a good source of iron and riboflavin. All of this within an average of 175 calories per 3-ounce serving makes lamb naturally nutrient-rich.
Source: American Lamb Board

Luna is one of our two Maremma guard dogs

Chasing away coyotes came naturally to her

The black spots are a strong Jacob gene in these 2nd gen White Dorpers

Grazing in a field that was recently reclaimed from dense brush